News News

Harrogate Town: Supporters Club

Posted by FC Halifax Town
Posted on Tue 24 Sep 2019
Posted in News

Good evening, and welcome to you all. I don’t need to ask if you enjoyed the “Landlubbers” band playing beneath the South Stand prior to the Yeovil fixture the other week. The “When Glory shone around” makers clearly went down exceptionally well, and Simon and his mates have already suggested they would like to repeat the show later in the season.

I imagine those of us who attended the annual Trip to the Dogs at Belle Vue on Saturday will have found it similarly enjoyable. These notes are written well before the event, but hopefully we will have made it beneficial to our pockets besides having had a good sociable evening. Thanks to Crocker for his usual organisational skills. Next up on the social front is our annual Football Quiz night, which will be held at John Chew’s pub the Flying Dutchman on Boothtown Road on Thursday October 24th starting at 8pm. Full details will follow in the Chorley version of these notes.

A few people have asked me how to take advantage of the Club’s offer whereby Supporters Club members are entitled to a discount on Club replica shirt prices. Unfortunately, the discount does not work through online purchases, nor can it be applied when purchasing from Harveys department store. To use the discount, shirts must therefore be purchased from the ground facility available before home matches. Sorry for any confusion here.

Well, for our sins, the Supporters Club Committee were re-elected en-bloc for a further two years at our recent AGM. Should anyone wish to join us, just speak to any of the existing volunteers. All you would be committing to is attending a meeting once a month, and (if possible) helping with fundraising “odds and sods” for a short time on match days.

We are a social and fundraising group, and any efforts to assist in this respect are very much appreciated. Our sponsor, DJ Decorators will donate a commission to the Club if you bring your business their way – see the Club’s website, and the banner at the top of this page for Darren’s contact details.

Finally, a further thank you to those of you who continue to contribute in a smaller way, such as giving to the matchday Bucket collections, or giving regular donations. One such person deserving of mention here is Chris Gledhill (aka Speg). Without Chris and others giving as they do, our fundraising task would be that much harder, so thanks to you all!

See you soon,       Kit.

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